A method annotated with this annotation will run after every annotated method.A method annotated with this annotation will run before every annotated method.A method annotated with this annotation will run only once per class and after all the test methods run.A method annotated with this annotation will run only once per class and before all the first test methods run.A method annotated with this annotation will run after all the test methods run in that specific group.: A method annotated with this annotation will run before all the first test methods run in that specific group.This annotation will make sure that the method marked with this annotation runs before the first method annotated with This annotation will make sure that the method marked with this annotation runs after all the methods annotated with execute all the classes inside tag in the testng.xml file.This annotation makes sure that the method runs once after the execution of all the tests.This annotation makes sure that the method only run once before all the tests have run.
This annotation marks a class or method as a part of a test.It is similar to Junit but with more functionality to offer.
The NG in TestNG stands for Next Generation. TestNGis an open-source framework for automated testing. Following are some navigator commands you can use: The navigator interface in selenium helps in moving backward and forwards in the browser’s history. menu >li:nth-of-type(2) > h4")) ĭriver.findElement(By.className("profileheader")) ĭriver.findElement(By.tagName("select")).C lick() ĭriver.findElement(By.linkText("NextP age")).click() ĭriver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(" NextP")).click() Following are some locators in selenium:ĭriver.findElement(By.id("q")).sendKeys("Se lenium 3") ĭriver.findElement(By.name("q")).sendKeys ("Selenium 3") ĭriver.FindElement(By.LinkText("edit this page")).Click() ĭom =document.getElementById('signinForm')ĭriver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("#rightbar>. Selenium locators are used to finding and match the webpage elements that selenium interacts with. Load firefox addons File file=new File(“path/to/extension.xpi”) Load firefox from a different location: tProperty(“”,“path/to/firfox/binary”) ī.
Seleniumis an open-source framework to automate and perform software testing such as smoke tests, integration tests, etc.
We assume that you have a basic understanding of selenium if you are referring to this cheat sheet.ĭownload the printable PDF of Selenium cheat sheet We at Intellipaat understand that it could be a bit of a hassle to remember every aspect of technology and that is why we have come up with a Selenium cheat sheet to assist our learners whenever they need a handy reference containing all the basics of selenium. Are you looking for a quick reference to turn to every time you need to look up the basic operations of selenium? Well if you are then this is just what you need.