Pes planus foot
Pes planus foot

pes planus foot

Many are fitted with custom orthotics, and some of them continue to wear custom orthotics regularly during all weight bearing activities. Most patients with flat feet eventually seek and find some relief with one of many OTC foot control devices.

pes planus foot

Many physicians now indorse joint destructive procedures with foot and ankle fusions in an attempt to control the progressive symptoms associated with this very obvious condition. Some physicians maintain that you can not treat flat feet with “custom” orthotics, while other suggest that it is the only effective treatment for flat feet. This is where the problem becomes very complicated. Bottom line is if you have flat feet you know you that need support for your arches, but your not sure which one of the hundreds that are on the market will work best for you. Most all of you who wear some type of foot control device to aid with symptoms of flat feet, are generally looking for something that works better. Many of you have been using arch supports to correct for flat feet for a significant part of your life. You have probably been looking for some type of arch support /orthotics for most of your life. So if you really have flat feet, you have known it sense you were a young child.

Pes planus foot